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Best Follow Friday Shops Twitter of the Week 7/9/2010

You can always count on "coolstuff2cheap" to catch your tweet.
If she does she makes it a common task to appear every Morning
and On Friday to make sure you get a piece of #FF.
She always gives you a good morning!
She repeatly does this every day possible. So if I not there,
she still tweets me out. If they had an award for Coolest and most friendly
Twitter she would have a Golden Tweet.
But I have to say there are alot of great #FF tweeps out there.
I like to mention a few. There is the Addoway Team, and the eBay Team.
There is the AmazingGems she is from Greece but always in our tweeps.
It does not matter that she is not part of any of our groups she is awesome.
There is MaxwellVintage, and Ayuni to name a few more.
Oh and jewelrywiz, and carolyn660.There is quite a crowd.
Its #FF today and I expect to see a few more today, as this week was busy
in gathering new followers. I learn alot from a fellow twitter, who is
always giving out TIPS for FREE. I have a long way to go, but hopefully
I will be up there with big numbers. Here is a link or two he threw my way.

10 Reasons your not getting followers

Good Comments

So lets get this show on the road.
#Follow Friday Shops(#FFS)and #FF here we come.

Please click the Tweet bird to Follow the First Follow Friday Shops BEST.

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